Tuesday, November 27, 2007

What is it?

No we arn't talking about Pat's new hairstyle..

We are talking about what City Skateboards just posted on their site about Dave.
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If the actual meaning of what a Bachinsky is was used to only describe Dave, then Wikipedia says this is it.
Whatever it means, hes really good at skating and at having fun. That last picture was taken at Mac's apartment where they are working on getting a free month's rent. Couple more weekends and they should be all set. And if crime really does pay for Dave then maybe mac's neighbors have something to do with it.

But in other skate stuff we just got in the new Habitat Video Inhabitants. You should check it out and watch the promo for it here.

The lakai video has premiered around the country and is expected to be at EB the second week of December so get hyped. If you like skating the only other thing to hope for after that is nice weather. So you better start praying.

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